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Changchun zone offers financial support

By Zhuan Ti ( China Daily )

The Changchun National High-tech Industrial Development Zone in Jilin province is taking measures to attract global talent to the region.

Local authorities said a favorable labor policy and programs to attract talent from around the world are among the top priorities for the development zone.

The development zone provided 81 million yuan ($12.5 million) to attract more creative talent this year.

It organized the fifth Changbai Wisdom Valley Talent Program this year and plans to provide 6.8 million yuan in subsidies to 12 qualified professionals.

The authorities have also made efforts to promote the commercialization of research results and have encouraged professionals in the zone to invest in technology and intellectual property.

Yao Hongtao, a senior engineer who has worked at a high-tech firm in California's Silicon Valley, partnered with the development zone to form Jilin Pixelbay Microelectronics Technology Co Ltd.

This year, the development zone established a number of programs to attract high-caliber professionals to the region. It also strengthened ties with regional universities and alumni to attract professionals working in other Chinese cities to return to Changchun. This year, universities and research institutions established 36 companies in the development zone.

The development zone also has several financial support programs. A 3-million-yuan fund will be awarded to 41 outstanding high-tech projects before 2016, according to local authorities.

The authorities of the development zone said it is important to open more channels to attract top professionals.

This year, the development zone hosted 43 recruitment fairs and attracted over 4,800 people with at least a bachelor's degree. Local companies welcomed 14 senior professionals, including eight doctorate degree holders.

The development zone has also attracted over 150 senior management professionals through 50 newly established projects this year.

A local innovation park for overseas returned professionals, as well as several other incubators for tech startups, introduced 197 projects and more than 500 high-tech professionals.

In an attempt to strengthen communication with global talent, the development zone organized several seminars this year to give overseas Chinese more information about the region. More than 30 overseas Chinese professionals have shown interest in working in Changchun.


Local authorities are also paying a great deal of attention to establishing platforms such as innovation centers, incubators and financial service platforms in the zone.

Construction of the Changchun Northeast Innovation Center is progressing as expected, authorities said.

An optoelectronics service platform developed by the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences went into operation this year. The platform has attracted 32 companies, seven of which have begun operations.

Authorities also said the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry's five technological platforms are nearly ready to open their doors to companies.

The Changchun Beihu Science Park's first phase project was completed and welcomed 58 companies this year.

The development zone established nine innovative business incubators this year. Among these, the Ferry Innovation Works and Originality Station were recognized as national-level maker spaces.

Changchun zone offers financial support

The development zone also partnered with banks to provide financial support to local companies. Under the support of the local government, eight companies were listed on the New Third Board and raised 120 million yuan this year.

The development zone also invested heavily to enhance services for professionals.

The Changchun Talent Port, an online talent service platform, was rolled out on Dec 21. The platform can help authorities attract talent, promote the commercialization of research results, promote talent policies and meet the different needs of professionals.

The development zone also provides consulting services so that professionals can have a better understanding about the government subsidies.

This year, companies in the zone applied for 550 national- and provincial-level patent projects and received 420 million yuan in financial support.


 Changchun zone offers financial support

Officials from the Changchun National High-tech Industrial Development Zone discuss progress made on the Changchun Talent Management, Reform and Experiment Zone on Monday.
