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NE China's subway cars going to Iran


CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co, a company in Jilin province, has announced that it has finished assembling a subway train that is to be exported to Iran, chinajilin.com.cn has reported on March 19.

The 5-car train was ordered by the city of Mashhad, Iran's second most populous.

The city has plans to buy 20 trains of this type from the China Railway Rolling Stock Corp(CRRC) for its No.2 subway line, with the first three trains to be produced by the CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co, a China Railway Rolling Stock subsidiary.

The remainders will be manufactured by an Iranian joint venture, which the Chinese company has an investment in. The train is called the "Turquoise", referring to a gemstone found in Mashhad.

The interior of all of the cars has been designed to be free of sharp edges to reduce injuries and the cars are equipped with an air-conditioner system that can operate for 45 minutes without a power supply.

The Chinese company began its rail business in Iran in 1995, and has provided more than 2,000 cars for Iran's railway and subway routes.

Last year, co-work with NORINCO International Cooperation, CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co has inked a nine-billion-yuan ($1.39bilion) contract to supply 1,008 subway cars to Teheran, capital of Iran.
