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Cleaner on Tianhua Mountain
( chinadaily.com.cn )
Updated: 2011-10-19
Cleaner on Tianhua Mountain
Yang Wanlong has been working in the Tianhuashan scenic zone for 10 years.
Cleaner on Tianhua Mountain
Yang can collect a sack of beverage bottles and cans every day

Early in the morning, Yang Wanlong grabbed his breakfast and hurried to the Tianhuashan scenic zone in Liaoning province's Dandong city, where he has been working for 10 years. He is responsible for cleaning white rubbish from Tongtian Gorge to Tiantai Peak in the scenic area. But cleaning bottles and cans on precipices is quite dangerous work.

Yang can collect a sack of beverage bottles and cans every day, two sacks for each day during the National Day holidays. It is not a light job to carry something as heavy as a sack of rubbish down the mountain. Every time, when Yang moves the trash bag step by step from the top to the foot of the mountain, his T-shirt is wet with sweat. Yang also takes charge of the scenic zone's security and fire prevention. Sometimes he helps tourists who have lost their ways. One day, an aged tourist became too tired to walk when they reached half way up the mountain, so Yang carried her on his back down the hill.

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