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Lijiang to strengthen environmental protection

Updated : 2014-10-30

According to Lijiang’s environmental protection bureau, Lijiang will strengthen environmental protection to provide a better environment for the people, Lijiang Daily reported.

From this January to September, the environmental protection bureau of Lijiang carried out law enforcement campaigns against companies that illegally discharge pollutants. Altogether 320 law enforcement officers joined the campaign, and 80 companies were inspected.

Also, a new medical waste recycling center started operation in Lijiang to realize the centralized disposal of waste. More than one ton of dangerous chemicals, including sodium chloride, were taken over.

In regards to the protection of Lugu Lake, 15 main environmental protection projects have been set. By September, 306 million yuan ($50.08 million) had been invested into environmental protection projects, and 12 projects had started operation. Initial success has been obtained in water protection for lakes in Yunnan.

Series activities themed around environmental protection have taken place in Lijiang. Altogether more than 20,000 brochures and 50,000 reusable bags have been distributed to publicize environmental protection concepts. A special supplemental issue of Lijiang was publicized in Man & Nature magazine.

By Ge Jieru and edited by Michael Thai

© Protection Bureau of World Cultural Heritage Lijiang Old Town.
Presented by China Daily.