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2015 Lijiang Photography Collection Activity starts

Updated : 2015-01-08

The 2015 Lijiang Photography Collection Activity, themed "Flavor of Winter and Beauty of Spring", started on Jan 1.

The activity was organized by Xinhua.net and supported by Lijiang's publicity department. It aimed to promote Lijiang's tourism industry and construct the city into an international tourism spot.

According to Xinhua.net, the photography collection activity will last for six months and finish on June 30. During this period, Xinhua.net will present to the public Lijiang-themed photographs.

The photographs will cover Lijiang's culture, history, natural scenery, ethnic customs and the daily lives of local residents. Participants can upload the photographs through the website: http://yn.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2014-12/31/c_133889805.htm

The committee of this activity will select 30 outstanding works from the entries.


Edited by Michael Thai

© Protection Bureau of World Cultural Heritage Lijiang Old Town.
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