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Breathtaking Lijiang

Updated : 2015-02-25
(China Daily)

Breathtaking Lijiang

Yulong Snow Mountain is the landmark of Lijiang and a beautiful backdrop for other tourist attractions around the city in Yunnan province. [Photo by Zhang Wenyin/For China Daily]

Majestic mountain views, an excellent stage production and a fascinating local culture make a visit to Lijiang a trip to remember, as Guo Yali discovers.

It was my good fortune that it snowed two days before I arrived in Lijiang in late January. Not only was it sunny and warm by the time I arrived, but I could see the snow-capped Yulong Snow Mountain glittering magnificently in the sun against the bright blue sky.

We set off at 9 am after a relaxing breakfast at the Grand Hyatt Lijiang's Lakeside Restaurant, from the window of which I had been admiring the mountain. After a half hour drive north in the hotel bus, we arrived at the foot of the mountain, known as the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in English.

The bus navigated the winding road through forests of spruce and pine trees to the cable car station, which is situated in the forest at an altitude of 3,356 meters. The tour guide advised us to inhale oxygen along the way while enjoying the changing views - starting from green forest at the bottom to the rocky mountain top.

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