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More to explore in Lijiang

Updated : 2015-03-24

The sunrise is very beautiful in Lijiang. If you want to enjoy such natural beauty, just get up early in the morning. Walking on the stone road, you can experience the tranquility of the old town in the early morning. Many breakfast shops open in the early morning, and at this time Lijiang feels more like a common city rather than a tourism destination.

There is an exquisite courtyard with a terrace on Xinhua Street, which is an ideal place for viewing the amazing sunrise. You can sit here and watch the scenery of the old town while enjoying the sunrise. In addition, breakfast is also provided here. Many tourists say that they can feel the sense of happiness here.

It is still a little cold in early spring in Lijiang, but the sunshine is warm as always. There is no need for tourists to crowd into the busy areas of the old town. You can still find things that will surprise and amaze you in some "remote" sections.

There is a small lane called Baisuifang in Lijiang. A small noodle shop owned by a couple from Chongqing stands here. The noodle in the shop is rather tasty. You can have lunch, relax and experience the lifestyle of the town. Many shops and restaurants here only provide dishes for customers who really love and can appreciate their cooking style. They are not worried whether the shop location is good enough. They have their own beliefs and principles.

There is a small restaurant owned by a Naxi family also located in a small lane. They supply very delicious local Naxi dishes. However, the restaurant is not open regularly. Its hours depend on the owner. Customers who eat here can experience the local Naxi lifestyle when eating the tasty dishes as the layout of the restaurant resembles a common Naxi family’s kitchen instead of other commercial restaurants.

If you don't want to go out in the evening, you can just sit in the lobby in your inn and warm yourself around the stove. The inn owner perhaps will invite you to taste the watermelon. Eating watermelon around a stove is a unique treat in Lijiang.

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© Protection Bureau of World Cultural Heritage Lijiang Old Town.
Presented by China Daily.