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Lijiang promotes reading among soldiers

Updated : 2016-04-29

The Armed Police Lijiang Forest Brigade held a reading activity on April 23 to mark World Reading Day, Xinhua reported.

Lijiang promotes reading among soldiers<BR>

A staff member from a local library introduces books to Armed Police Lijiang Forest Brigade soldiers on World Reading Day on April 23. [Photo by Li Zongrong/ www.news.cn ]

Nearly 10,000 books were displayed at the event. Staff members shared their experiences and thoughts on reading books. Over 200 armed Police officers attended the activity, many of whom bought books on the spot.

The Armed Police Lijiang Forest Brigade has attached high importance to reading and has advocated soldiers to read more books. The grass-roots level officers also attend Forums such as “I grow through reading”.

Apart from allocating money to buy books, the Brigade hosts a series of activities including speech contests and reading salons to help soldiers learn how to read effectively. It also cooperates with local libraries to provide convenient access to reading materials.

Lijiang promotes reading among soldiers<BR>

Two armed police officers discuss a book at the World Reading Day on April 23. [Photo by Wang Xuanzhi/ Xinhua]


Lijiang promotes reading among soldiers<BR>
Lijiang Forest Brigade soldiers gather to discuss books at the World Reading Day on April 23. [Photo by Li Zongrong/ Xinhua]



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