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Retaining our roots

Updated : 2017-02-21

Feng Jicai, the chairman of China Folk Literature and Art Society, is quite concerned about this issue and publicly denounced the short-sighted behavior. “The government plays a decisive role in folk cultural protection. Depending on the side they stand for, the government is likely to become the most successful protector or the most devastating destroyer. The government is the No 1 protector of intangible cultural heritage,” Feng insisted.

Transformation of lifestyle

“Our folk operas, music and art are being gradually phased out of public life as the modern entertainment industry penetrates into people’s daily life through TV, video and Internet,” according to Feng Jinwe, a cultural official in Jiangsu Province.

It is happening in other provinces of China too. Though Yunnan is well known for its achievement on ethnic cultural protection, southwest China’s frontier saw much of its folk culture fade away due to the massive influx of external cultural products and transformation of people’s lifestyles.

Playing Naxi flok musical instruments

Retaining our roots
Playing Naxi flok musical instruments

© Protection Bureau of World Cultural Heritage Lijiang Old Town.
Presented by China Daily.