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Lijiang takes positive steps on livelihood projects

Updated : 2017-03-02

Lijiang city in Yunnan province is making progress in implementing livelihood projects, according reports by Yunnan.cn on Fen 27.

A review of Lijiang’s 2016 achievements detailed that the government spent 11.3 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) on people’s livelihood projects throughout the year, accounting for 76 percent of total public expenditure.

To improve urban management, Lijiang renovated a 4,000-household town, and added 87,000 square meters of green land.

Projects were carried to improve the countryside, 51 kilometers of roads were built, sewage systems were upgraded, and clean water was made accessible to an extra 3,600 rural residents.

The government rolled out over 13,000 jobs in 2016 and managed to lift some 1,000 people out of poverty. As of the end of last year, more than 1.1 million residents have been included in the social security system.

Edited by Owen Fishwick

© Protection Bureau of World Cultural Heritage Lijiang Old Town.
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