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Lijiang respects culture and heritage

Updated : 2018-06-11

Lijiang respects culture and heritage

Activities are held in the Old Town of Lijiang to promote preservation of culture and natural heritage on June 9. [Photo by He Hongyan/news.cn]

Several activities were held on June 9 in the Old Town of Lijiang to mark China's 2018 Cultural and Natural Heritage Day.

The Old Town of Lijiang, comprising Dayan, Shuhe and Baisha old towns, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Southwest China's Yunnan province.

Officers from the local protection authority handed out brochures in the old towns promoting awareness of culture and natural heritage.

Preserving Lijiang's unique ethnic culture will allow both locals and visitors to gain a better understanding of the ancient city and its historical development.

The event will shed light on Dongba culture and the wedding customs of the Naxi ethnic group through a series of activities, including lectures, traditional handicrafts, dietary cultural shows, folk songs and dance performances.

Exhibition boards were also displayed to introduce laws and regulations on cultural heritage as well as to showcase achievements made by the city in preserving its intangible cultural heritage.

Lijiang respects culture and heritage

A visitor receives brochures explaining laws and regulations regarding the protection of cultural heritage. [Photo by He Hongyan/news.cn]

Lijiang respects culture and heritage

A folk instrument performance is staged to mark China's 2018 Cultural and Natural Heritage Day. [Photo by Liu Xiaojie/news.cn]

© Protection Bureau of World Cultural Heritage Lijiang Old Town.
Presented by China Daily.