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NPC deputy Fan Yongzhen dedicated to protecting, promoting local ethnic cultures

Updated : 2019-02-25
NPC deputy Fan Yongzhen dedicated to protecting, promoting local ethnic cultures

Fan Yongzhen(L, front), deputy to China's 13th National People's Congress (NPC), carries out a research on dianxiu embroidery at Baisha Old Town of Yulong Naxi autonomous county in Lijiang, Southwest China's Yunnan province on Feb 13. Working as vice curator of the cultural center in Lijiang city, Fan has devoted herself to the career of protecting and promoting local ethnic cultures. Besides, she also contributes to the mass culture construction work by sending performances to rural areas together with her colleagues. As a deputy to NPC, China's top legislature, Fan will put more efforts into the building of cultural industries integrated with digital technologies in underdeveloped areas so as to improve local cultural development.[Photo by Yang Zongyou/Xinhua]

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