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Dongba Gathering held in Lijiang

Updated : 2019-04-10

The 19th Dongba Gathering was held in Yushui village in Lijiang, Southwest China's Yunnan province on April 9, attracting more than 300 experts and scholars from home and abroad, as well as national cultural enthusiasts from Yunnan, Sichuan, and Tibet to participate.

Representatives from the Naxi Society of Beijing, the Naxi Society of Chengdu, and the Naxi Society of Kunming also attended the event.

Dongba Gathering held in Lijiang

The flag-raising ceremony celebrating Dongba culture kicks off the event. [Photo/yunnan.cn]

During the event, a symposium on the protection of Dongba culture was also held. Nearly 20 leaders, cultural experts, and scholars from the cultural and tourism departments of Lijiang participated to discuss the protection and inheritance of Dongba culture.

Dongba Gathering held in Lijiang

The symposium on the protection of Dongba culture. [Photo/yunnan.cn]

Since 2001, the Dongba Gathering has been held 19 times. It is hosted by the Lijiang Naxi Dongba Cultural Heritage Association and Yunnan Dongba Culture Protection and Inheritance Association.The number of participants has increased from 40 at the initial gathering to more than 500 at this year's event.

Dongba Gathering held in Lijiang

People dressed in traditional clothing showcase the unique charm of Dongba culture. [Photo/yunnan.cn]

© Protection Bureau of World Cultural Heritage Lijiang Old Town.
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