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Tourism workers gather in Lijiang

Updated : 2019-07-02

More than 240 tourism workers from 16 cities and prefectures in Yunnan gathered in Lijiang on July 2 to exchange ideas on the development of tourism industry during a training class of A-level tourist scenic spots in Yunnan province.

Tourism workers gather in Lijiang

The training class of A-level tourist scenic spots held in Lijiang attracts many tourism workers. [Photo/yunnan.cn]

Yang Xuyun, a researcher at the resource development department of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that in recent years, Lijiang has successfully realized the transformation and upgrading of tourism, especially the construction of smart scenic spots, which can also be used for reference in other scenic spots in the province.

Tourism workers gather in Lijiang

Yang Xuyun (L2), a researcher of the resource development department of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, gives a speech. [Photo/yunnan.cn]

Ding Hao, a staff member from Keyihei scenic spot in Qujing, spoke highly of Lijiang's tourism environment and air quality.

After the three-day event, all of the participants will also visit the Old Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow Mountain.

Tourism workers gather in Lijiang

The training contributes to realizing the high-quality, low-density development of each scenic spot in Yunnan province. [Photo/yunnan.cn]

Lijiang has 19 A-level scenic spots, including two 5A-level scenic spots and seven 4A-level scenic spots. It has explored a path leading to the development of other industries with tourism as the leading factor. The tourism industry has become the leading industry, as well as the first strategic pillar industry of Lijiang's economic and social development.

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