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Harmony in humanity and harmony with nature, the core of traditional Chinese wisdom, are deeply embedded in POWERCHINA's business philosophy.[more]

POWERCHINA offers Wuhan medical and electrical support

Updated: 2020-02-03 13:31:06

In response to the call from central government, POWERCHINA played its part in the fight against the epidemic by offering support to Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province, in the form of medical and electrical materials.

POWERCHINA strives to meet the power supply needs of Leishenshan

Updated: 2020-01-28 13:33:15

Six box-type substations, supplied by the POWERCHINA Hubei Engineering Co., Ltd. (HYPEC) in Hubei province, arrived at the construction site of Leishenshan Hospital at 11pm on Jan 25, after more than eight hours of hard work.

POWERCHINA donates food to Kyaukpyu town In Myanmar

Updated: 2020-10-12 16:31:33

In the Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar, POWERCHINA Kyaukpyu Electric Power Company Limited on Sept 30 donated much-needed food to the local isolation center for the fight against COVID-19 epidemic, including rice, oil, salt and onions.

POWERCHINA helps overseas fight against epidemic

Updated: 2020-11-03 17:07:21

Ji Xiaoyong, general manager of POWERCHINA International Group shared the experiences and practices of POWERCHINA in shaping its overseas brand image, at the 2020 Chinese Enterprises Global Image Brand Summit held in Beijing on Nov 3.

Community & Society

Updated: 2020-10-20 17:01:56

POWERCHINA takes part in the local economic and social life of the area around project sites and supports the construction of public service community culture, education and healthcare facilities. And it employs a large number of local people and provides training to develop local communities and their people.

Padma river channel improvement in Bangladesh

Updated: 2018-05-11 17:11:28

It is the largest river channel improvement project of the world.