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2011 China Int'l Consumer Electronics Show
2011 China International Consumer Electronics Show ended over the weekend, attracting 523 global consumer electronics companies and hundreds of industry experts.
Lotus at their best in Weishan Lake
Lotuses in Weishan Lake are at their best in the midsummer season in Jining city, Shandong province.
A fare deal for students
"Hail to the bus driver, bus driver man," the chorus might go.
High-end industrial clusters to take shape in Shandong


High-end industrial clusters to take shape in Shandong

Shandong is now investing in Jiaodong Peninsula, where the province hopes to form a competitive modern industrial system.

"The Jiaodong Peninsula is set to become one of China's pivotal development areas for high-end industries," Jiang Daming, governor of Shandong province, told China Daily.

High tech, modern equipment manufacturing, modern agriculture and modern services - including trade, finance, tourism, logistics and transportation and research and development (R&D) - are among the planned high-end industries.

In June 2009, the Shandong provincial government issued a general development plan. City governments in the peninsula later called for establishment of high-end industries within five to 10 years.

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09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island