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2011 China Int'l Consumer Electronics Show
2011 China International Consumer Electronics Show ended over the weekend, attracting 523 global consumer electronics companies and hundreds of industry experts.
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Yantai food, wine festivals 'window to world'

 Yantai food, wine festivals 'window to world'

Peter Medgyessy (second from left), former prime minister of Hungary, listens attentively during a fruit festival presentation. Cui Xiaoqing / China Daily

Each year, Yantai hosts a series of international festivals featuring fruit and vegetables, wine and selected Chinese food.

Around 250 purchasers, franchisers and business groups from 20 countries and regions have participated in the events.

The most recent round of festivals drew 3,000 overseas business people and featured more than 1,650 booths.

"The festivals offer an important platform for exchange and cooperation. They have played a great role in promoting the development of the wine, fruit and vegetable industries," said Zhang Zhaofu, former vice-governor of Shandong.

Several famous wine companies like Changyu, Weilong, Junding and Nanshan Land were in attendance this year. They were joined by brands from France, Australia, Canada, Italy and Chile.

"This exposition can help China open a window to the world. It is a good way for China to showcase its progress in the wine industry," said Jean Pierre Surducan, sommelier adviser for Changyu Pioneer Wine Co Ltd.

Fifty businesses in China's supermarket purchasing association sought cooperative agreements with wine producers.

Overseas purchasing delegations were also present.

"We had hoped to sell more wine through this festival, and have already found a new cooperator," said pleased Claire Roger, Domaine Fontaine du Clos export manager.

Fruit and vegetable peddlers were equally satisfied.

"The festival is a good opportunity for us to introduce our quality apples to the world," said Cao Fuxing, vice mayor of Pingliang, Gansu province.

Cao explained the fruits' output reached 300,000 tons last year, generating 600 million yuan in revenue.

"The festival is a good chance for us to exchange information with Yantai, whose apple is widely-known by the world," he added.

Some, like Xu Wenhua, just wanted to express their thanks.

"I designed a special paper cutting for this exposition. It represents happiness, and carries my best wishes for Yantai," said Xu.

 Yantai food, wine festivals 'window to world'

Sun Yongchun (second from right), Yantai Party secretary, accompanies former army leader Chi Haotian (first from right) to the exhibition. Zhao Ruixue / China Daily

 Yantai food, wine festivals 'window to world'

Foreign buyers enjoy a glass of wine. Wang Qian / China Daily

By Cui Xiaoqing (China Daily Shandong Bureau)

(China Daily 09/27/2010 page24)

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