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2011 China Int'l Consumer Electronics Show
2011 China International Consumer Electronics Show ended over the weekend, attracting 523 global consumer electronics companies and hundreds of industry experts.
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Performers are flying high in Laiwu

 Performers are flying high in Laiwu

Balloon show at the ongoing China international air sports festival in Laiwu, Shandong province. Ju Chuanjiang / China Daily

 Performers are flying high in Laiwu

Pilots and athletes from 18 countries and regions perform at the ongoing China international air sports festival in Laiwu, Shandong province. Ju Chuanjiang and Wang Qian / China Daily

Pilots and athletes from 18 countries and regions are performing this week at the ongoing China international air sports festival in Laiwu, Shandong province.

"We aim to present a successful and globally influential event," said Huang Sheng, vice-governor of Shandong province.

The air sports gala features acrobatic and para motor flight performances, as well as competitive parachuting, light-helicopter, glider, hot-air balloon and model airplane flying.

Altogether, more than 700 persons from home and abroad are soaring above Laiwu. Participating countries include America, the UK, Japan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Australia, South Korea and the Czech Republic.

Visitors can witness human pyramid making along with several other air shows by parachuters and powered hang-gliders.

World champion stunt flyers from Germany and Spain are scheduled to give performances.

"This is the perfect platform for a blossoming Chinese aero sports industry. It offers opportunities for international exchange and cooperation. Laiwu will become a world renowned city," said Pierre Portmann, president of the World Air Sports Federation.

Activities galore

The five-day festival hosts the China international stunt flying challenge, parachuting championship, simulated radio controlled flying championship and an open competition for model airplane lovers.

An aero sports equipment exhibition, aero photography competition, and hot-air balloon flame throwing show is held during the event.

The equipment exhibition showcases 10 light airplanes and display products by well-known Chinese model airplane and outdoor sporting goods manufacturers.

Organizers expect around 300,000 people will have attended the festival by week's end.

"I'm lucky to have the chance to watch such exciting performances; I will come back next year," said Cao Yan of Hong Kong.

The festival employs 1,000 volunteers and 2,000 staff. It runs through September 29 at Laiwu's Xueye tourist site.

The fair is co-sponsored by the State General Administration of Sports and the government of Shandong province, and undertaken by Aero Sports Federation of China, Shandong Provincial Sport Administration and Laiwu government.

Performers are flying high in Laiwu
By Cui Xiaoqing (China Daily Shandong Bureau)

(China Daily 09/27/2010 page12)

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