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2011 China Int'l Consumer Electronics Show
2011 China International Consumer Electronics Show ended over the weekend, attracting 523 global consumer electronics companies and hundreds of industry experts.
Lotus at their best in Weishan Lake
Lotuses in Weishan Lake are at their best in the midsummer season in Jining city, Shandong province.
A fare deal for students
"Hail to the bus driver, bus driver man," the chorus might go.
Qingdao Water Park to open June 2011

At the third Shandong Cultural Industries Fair it was revealed that a large-scale water park in Qingdao is scheduled to open in June 2012 and it is expected to become a new hot tourism spot in Shandong province.

The water park has an investment of 3 billion yuan and is slated to be the country's first Chinese-myth-themed indoor water park.

The water carnival park will be located in Qingdao Development Area and cover an area of 766,000 square meters.

The park will contain a five-star hotel, a five-star cinema, a high-end electric games store, a large-scale entertainment park, and a large-scale gym.

It is expected to attract 20,000 tourists per day and create jobs for 15,000 people. The annual fiscal income is expected to be around 200 million yuan.

Editor: Li Jing

Source: china.org.cn

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island