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2011 China Int'l Consumer Electronics Show
2011 China International Consumer Electronics Show ended over the weekend, attracting 523 global consumer electronics companies and hundreds of industry experts.
Lotus at their best in Weishan Lake
Lotuses in Weishan Lake are at their best in the midsummer season in Jining city, Shandong province.
A fare deal for students
"Hail to the bus driver, bus driver man," the chorus might go.
Expressway shortens distance between sister mountains

The tourism expressway between the renowned Taishan Mountain and its “sister mountain” Cuilai Mountain, which is also located in Tai’an city of Shandong province, opened for use after more than two years of construction.

The route can save tourists 40 minutes on their trip from southwest Taishan Mountain to the Cuilai Mountain scenic area.

Moreover, the expressway links the Cuilai Mountain and the Tianyi Lake at its eastern and western ends. So tourists can enjoy both mountainous and waterside sceneries along the way.

The expressway runs 8.35 kilometers, and drivers can travel at speeds up to 80 km/h. A 786-meter bridge over the Mouwen River and two shorter railway bridges also opened.

Starting in June 2008, expressway builders overcame many difficulties and eventually completed the facilities in the great Taishan Mountain tourism circle.

By Xu Xiao

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island