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2011 China Int'l Consumer Electronics Show
2011 China International Consumer Electronics Show ended over the weekend, attracting 523 global consumer electronics companies and hundreds of industry experts.
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Agricultural products trade fair held in Heze

Agricultural products trade fair held in Heze
About 30,000 agricultural product buyers from China, Russia, Canada, South Korea and other countries attended the sixth annual national agricultural products trade fair in Heze that ended today.

The three-day fair, which began March 6, featured more than 900 booths exhibiting farm products such as fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, agricultural machinery and equipment, many featuring advanced technology.

"This show is very nice in giving us access to world-famous farm products ranging from seeds and fertilizer to agricultural machinery. It is very convenient for purchasers,” said Fan Chuanzhao, general manager of Sudan (Africa) Huifeng Corp, who ordered 20 farm tractors from the fair.

"It’s the second time for us to participate at this fair. Every year it draws millions of farmers and dealers, providing us a good opportunity to promote our products,” said Pan Libo, general manager of Canada International Biotechnology Co Ltd.

Activities included an agricultural technology training fair, China fertilizer industry conference, the second farmer host competition and cultural performances.

The Heze farm products trade fair is the only agriculture-related exhibition supported by the Ministry of Commerce. During the past five fairs, it has attracted more than 500,000 customers and sales exceeding 3 billion yuan.

Agricultural products trade fair held in Heze
Agricultural products trade fair held in Heze
Agricultural products trade fair held in Heze

By Wang Qian (China Daily Shandong Bureau)

Editor: Li Jing

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