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2011 China Int'l Consumer Electronics Show
2011 China International Consumer Electronics Show ended over the weekend, attracting 523 global consumer electronics companies and hundreds of industry experts.
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High-tech machinery to be focus of expo

An array of high-tech machinery products exhibited by China Sunward Intelligent Machinery Co Ltd are on display at Conexpo-Con/Agg, the world-famous trade show for the construction industry that opens today in the US city of Las Vegas.

The latest products exhibited at the fair includes road machinery, modern rock-drilling equipment, pile-driving machinery and hoisting machinery.

Foreign visitors who have already seen a demonstration of the products praised the “Made in China” features as “very good”, company officials said.

"The company is committed to becoming the world leading machinery manufacturer by using advanced technology and modern management,” said He Qinghua, president of China Sunward Intelligent Machinery Co.

With Changsha as its headquarters, the company has established several subsidiaries in China and abroad. Total assets are more than 4.6 billion yuan.

The company last year reported gross trading income of more than 2.8 billion yuan, up 95.51 percent over the previous year, and total profits of 239 million, up 104.29 percent, He said.

The company has developed products with more than 100 specifications with intellectual property rights, ranging from excavators, skid steer loaders, rotary drill machines, down-hole drill rigs and hydraulic static pile drivers to forklift trucks.

The company was named "one of the most competitive high-tech enterprises" and "one of the top 50 enterprises in M&S stock market" in China. The company also was named one of the 100 enterprises having the biggest development potential by Forbes Magazine in 2006 and 2007.

The company’s products have been exported to more than 60 countries, including Europe and North America.

Last year, SHC Group, the largest car dealer in Brazil ordered 320 pieces of engineering machinery from the company, including medium-large excavators, skid steer loaders and forklifts. Last November, the company exported 30 piling machines valued at more than $10 million to India.

By Wang Qian and Ju Chuanjiang (China Daily Shandong Bureau)

Editor: Li Jing

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