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Blue economy gets a lift
For a province which has a rich history and a long tradition in maritime development, China's decision to spur its blue economy does not come as a surprise.
Air sports gala to kick off in Laiwu
More than 800 pilots and athletes will perform and compete at the upcoming China International Air Sports Festival to be held in Laiwu.
Love for China blooms in heart of American
Although Eunice Moe Brock lived in the US for decades, the 94-year-old has returned to China to share her passion for flowers.
Shandong's new pork quality rules

East China's Shandong province issued new rules that require all pig abattoirs to keep records of animal's source, circulation and consumption information to guarantee its safety, according to the Shandong Provincial Commerce Department.

Under the new rules that will be implemented on Oct 1, abattoirs should establish a well-functioned system to recall unsafe products.

Once plants discover any health issues, they should stop production, inform distributors, who should then recall the product and inform the public immediately.

Abattoirs caught injecting water or other unsafe materials into pork will be fined 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan ($1,565 to $3,130). Their products and equipment will also be confiscated. In serious cases, the related producers and sellers will be investigated for criminal acts in accordance with the law.

By Wang Qian (chinadaily.com.cn)

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Tania Lee

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island