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Chinese manufacturing company buys Ferretti Group
A manufacturing company from east China's Shandong province will buy Italian luxury yachtmaker Ferretti Group.
Sculpture museum opens in Qingdao
The Chinese National Academy of Sculpture (CNAS) Qingdao Branch and the Qingdao Sculpture Museum were officially open to visitors in Qingdao.
A salute to brothers-in-arms
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Sculpture museum opens in Qingdao

Sculpture museum opens in Qingdao

To celebrate the opening of the museum, the "Voice of Bronze" Invitational Sculpture Exhibition started to present 89 high-level sculpture works of domestic modern art. Photo from www.qstt.gov.cn

Authorities said the Qingdao Branch will take several practical measures to develop the city's sculpture art. This includes holding national expositions for selected sculpture works, organizing seminars on the sculpture research, training young sculpture artists, and inviting the nation's top sculpture artists to give lectures for free to locals.

Anna Chromy, one of the best modern European city sculpture artists, was impressed with Qingdao's great efforts to develop the sculpture art.

"China has more excellent artists than Europe does, so the future of Chinese sculpture is brilliant," she told China Daily.

To celebrate the opening of the museum, the "Voice of Bronze" Invitational Sculpture Exhibition started to present 89 high-level sculpture works of domestic modern art including works from Liu Kaiqu, a world-renowned modern sculpture artist.

By Xie Chuanjiao and Huang Yaning (chinadaily.com.cn)

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Rakhee M

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