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Economic zones drive Shandong's GDP
Two special industrial zones in Shandong province have become major engines for local economic growth since the State Council approved them over a year ago.
Chateau Lafite Rothschild seeks development in Penglai
Chateau Lafite Rothschild began building a chateau and developed 25 hectares of grape-planting area in Penglai, East China's Shandong province on March 11
The bone collectors
Thanks to the efforts of two men, oracle bones escaped the fate of being all ground up and digested.
China-shaped mushroom blooms

China-shaped mushroom blooms

The Lingzhi, which grows on an old jujube tree stump, features 36 branches and measures at 2.24 meters wide and weigh 15 kilograms. Photos by Zhang Yong

China-shaped mushroom blooms

The Lingzhi, which grows on an old jujube tree stump, features 36 branches and measures at 2.24 meters wide and weigh 15 kilograms. Photos by Zhang Yong

A huge wild Lingzhi, also known as a ganoderma mushroom, a rare ingredient used in Chinese traditional herbal medicine, has bloomed into the shape of a Chinese map. The discovery places Long Lianhang in the spotlight, since he is applying for a world record.

The Lingzhi, which grows on an old jujube tree stump, features 36 branches and measures at 2.24 meters wide and weigh 15 kilograms. It grows wild in the foothills of Yiyuan County and found by a local farmer earlier in the year.

When Long, 57, a painter and private collector in Shandong province, heard the news, he searched for the farmer to buy it from for as much as hundreds of thousands of yuan.

"I have never seen such a beautiful and large-size wild Lingzhi. Its shape looks like a huge Chinese map. I am applying for the Guinness World Records to publicize its large size and unique shape," Long told the China Daily.

His remarks received support from experts. "The Lingzhi is at least 100 years old, even the jujube tree which it is attached to it has an age of 300 years. It is rare with a high medicinal and artistic value," said Wan Lusheng, an expert at agricultural resources and environment from the Shandong Academy of Agriculture Sciences.

By Wang Qian (chinadaily.com.cn)

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Tom McGregor

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