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China-Russia cultural and humanity cooperation meeting held in Tai'an
The 11th session of the China-Russia Committee on Cultural and Humanity Cooperation's tourism sub-committee meeting was held in Shandong's Tai'an city on August 14.
World's first clean diesel addictive device debuts in Shandong
A MTCD method for producing 30,000-tons of polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers went into trial operation, on Dec 5 in Shandong province.
Star power publishing
Le Jia was about to launch his new book, his publisher decided to hold a public signing event in Beijing.
Shandong's multibillion yuan outreach to Kashgar

Jining-based company Luyuan is making perforated bricks using Yengisar's rich deposits of shale.

"Our company produces 160 million bricks annually, but still falls short of local demand due to the volume of construction," said Gao Liming, general manager of Luyuan's operations in Yengisar.

To meet the growing demand, a 17-sq-km area for production of building materials has been developed in the county at total investment of 820 million yuan. It has already attracted 28 companies that make 1.6 billion bricks annually.

"Relying on the rich shale resources, we are committed to making the county a major building materials production hub in Xinjiang," said Ren Guangde, deputy chief of the Yengisar county government.

Ren said that by 2015 the area is expected to have more than 100 companies producing over 10 billion bricks, output projected to generate 2.5 billion yuan in revenues annually and create 5,000 new jobs.


Shandong's multibillion yuan outreach to Kashgar

Shandong Iron and Steel Group facility under construction in Kashgar's Shule county. Photo by Ju Chuanjiang / China Daily


A renowned agricultural province in China, Shandong is also sharing its advanced technologies and experience in the field.

A flower and vegetable farm has been established in Shule at a total investment of 1.6 billion yuan.

Tai'an-based food company Kunqing has invested 500 million yuan to build a food processing plant in Yopurga county that produces preserved fruits ranging from apricots, pears, peaches and grapes to Kashgar melons and tomatoes. Its products have already exported to Europe.

"Our products are very popular in overseas markets as Xinjiang's fruit is among the best in the world. I am very confident in the future of our business," said Lu Chengsheng, general manager of the plant.

He said Kunqing is also planning to plant a 33,000-hectare orchard in Xinjiang.

By 2015, 400,000 tons of processed fruits from the site are expected to generate 1.6 billion yuan in sales revenues annually.

Wang Lisheng, deputy chief of Shandong's assistance program in Xinjiang, said the effort will help Xinjiang turn its wealth of minerals, coal and agricultural products into an economic advantage, but noted environmental protection is also important

"Raising living standards through economic development is crucial to maintaining social stability in Xinjiang. These projects have not only brought in more jobs for locals, but also become a new engine to boost economic growth," Wang said.

By Ju Chuanjiang and Wang Qian (China Daily)

You may contact the writers through juchuanjiang @chinadailycom.cn

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