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Economic zones drive Shandong's GDP
Two special industrial zones in Shandong province have become major engines for local economic growth since the State Council approved them over a year ago.
Grassroots Confluence
One is a veteran stage performer, and the other a ceramics artist. And, when they finally meet, they create enough kinetics to spark the creation of a brand-new art genre.
A gigantic talent
Zhang Wei's writings reflect an amazing stamina. The author who prefers solitude shares the secret of his vigor with Chitralekha Basu and Zhao Ruixue.
An Accidental style

In 2005, Han's sculptures made their debut at the first Shandong Caricature Show and immediately created much controversy.

An Accidental style

Han Fang and his "caricature-style" clay sculptures.

"Some thought my sculptures represented freedom and celebrated natural expression through exaggeration. Others thought the same exaggeration insulted the farmer's image."

Ironically, Han was born to a farmer's family and he understands the lifestyle better than most. He has great empathy with farms and the rural lifestyle and feels his art combines the nature of clay with this affinity.

An Accidental style

Han Fang's new project creates a showcase of life in old Jinan.

Han worked hard to infuse the clay with his own sense of humanity and he looked into the mirror every day to capture facial expressions and expressed them in clay.

His perseverance paid off and his successive works have won over the critics. He has also started collecting awards and praise from both the government and the artistic community.

In 2008, his series Friends Coming From Afar was collected by the Olympic Committee, and he received several prizes at state and provincial levels.

There is no lack of passion in Han's works, and one in particular, touched the person closest to him.

"When we first married, I wanted him to give me a jade bracelet as a present. But he didn't, and to date, I still haven't gotten it from him. But I received something even more valuable," says Li Yunli, Han's wife.

Han had given his wife a clay sculpture of an old couple. The old man holds a bracelet wrapped in a handkerchief in one hand, and he has his other hand wrapped around his wife.

"Although he didn't say anything about a bracelet, I know how he feels and what he means," Li says.

"I think the spiritual lasts longer than the physical," Han says, adding that his clay gift shows off his love for her better than anything.

Han's next project is to create a showcase of life in old Jinan, including a cast of 1,000 and historical buildings and bridges. In the meantime, there is always his 800-work homage to erren zhuan at the Liu Laogen Museum in Beijing's Qianmen Street.

For this artist, at least, inspiration for his art will never run out.

By Zhao Ruixue and Ju Chuanjiang (China Daily)

Contact the writers at sundayed@chinadaily.com.cn.

(China Daily 05/13/2012 page3)

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