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Yantai looks to lure more world-leading companies
Yantai is one of many cities in Shandong province seeking to attract more Fortune 500 companies to build the region into a foreign trade hub.
Mantis Boxing Association sets up in Haiyang
The opening ceremony for Haiyang Boxing Association has held on March 10 in the city's Xinyuan Square.
Battling drug addiction with Confucian wisdom
Authorities are drawing on old wisdom to blaze a trail in treating drug addiction, borrowing the concepts of Confucius to help addicts stay clean.
China, US militaries hold annual maritime security meeting

China and US militaries held an annual meeting under the Sino-US military Maritime Consultative Agreement from Sept 27 to 28 in northern port city of Qingdao, Shandong province.

The two militaries agreed to enhance contacts and communication in order to increase mutual trust and cooperation with a respectful, equal, active and constructive attitude.

They exchanged views on maritime security situations of the two countries since 2010 and discussed detailed measures to solve problems in this area.

The two sides agreed to strengthen military-to-military cooperation in anti-piracy and humanitarian aid as well as disaster relief efforts.

China and the United States signed the Sino-US military Maritime Consultative Agreement in 1998 and so far have held nine annual meetings, which have played an active role in promoting Sino-US maritime security.

Edited by Chen Zhilin

Source: English.news.cn

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island