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Global drillers now look east for rigs
Construction on the world's biggest ultra deepwater semi-submersible drilling rig with dual drilling towers began last week in Yantai, East China's Shandong province.
SDU awards honorary professorship to two foreigners
Goran K Hansson and Peter Libby were awarded honorary professorships by Shandong University on March 17.
Eight stories about my eight years in China
I had a flight from Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Sydney, and I went from Jinan to Shanghai by train.
New energy bus accounts for more than half of Qingdao's buses

Qingdao's low-carbon transport system has speeded up and the development of new energy buses in Qingdao is ahead of the average in China, according to Qingdao's Transport Committee. The city's transport industry is accelerating the establishment of low-carbon transport.

Qingdao increased the proportion of new energy buses in public transport during 2013 and 400 of the new buses have been successively put into service. By the end of 2013, they accounted for 51.3 percent of buses found in Qingdao's four districts – well ahead of similar cities in China.

In terms of road transport, the utilization of old roads in renovation and maintenance projects in Qingdao reached 100 percent. In addition, the recycling of road material projects reached 90 percent.

Compared to 2005, the energy consumption used in marine transportation decreased by 20.4 percent in its ports production, and the comprehensive energy consumption per unit throughput decreased by 28.2 percent.

In addition, the construction of Qingdao's green recycling low-carbon transport system is well advanced. Seven pilot low-carbon transport system projects, including Qingdao's highway information service system, and Qingdao's maritime fuel system optimization project have been completed ahead of schedule. Qingdao Port has been listed as a pilot for green and low-carbon ports by the Ministry of Transport and was given a start-up capital of 12.9 million yuan ($ 6.21 million).

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island