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Global drillers now look east for rigs
Construction on the world's biggest ultra deepwater semi-submersible drilling rig with dual drilling towers began last week in Yantai, East China's Shandong province.
SDU awards honorary professorship to two foreigners
Goran K Hansson and Peter Libby were awarded honorary professorships by Shandong University on March 17.
Eight stories about my eight years in China
I had a flight from Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Sydney, and I went from Jinan to Shanghai by train.

Holland Horticultural Days open in Qingdao


On the occasion of the Qingdao International Horticultural 2014 Expo, the Holland Horticultural Days kicked off in Qingdao on May 22nd.

<P>Holland Horticultural Days open in Qingdao</P>

A seminar with the theme of "Green Cities" was held on May 22nd. Photo by Hu Qing

Organized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the event will last until May 24th, including two themed seminars focusing on horticulture and agriculture, and a Dutch pear promotion event at the Dutch Garden at Qingdao’s expo, which opened last month and will last until the end of October.

<P>Holland Horticultural Days open in Qingdao</P>

Dutch ambassador to China Aart Jacobi (second, left) visits the Holland Garden at International Horticultural Expo 2014 Qingdao. Photo by Hu Qing

China and Holland have a good bilateral relationship. Holland has its garden and the nation's symbol – a windmill – at Qingdao's expo, and China will participate in the Floriade 2022 world expo, held in the new Dutch city of Almere (20kms from Amsterdam), according to Aart Jacobi, Dutch ambassador to China.

The three-day event aims not only to bring Dutch expertise to Shandong, but also provides an opportunity for further communication and cooperation between the two governments, companies and research institutions of the Netherlands and China.

<P>Holland Horticultural Days open in Qingdao</P>

Visitors swarm to the Holland Garden at International Horticultural Expo 2014 Qingdao.Photo by Hu Qing.

Li Fengli, secretary-general of the International Horticultural Expo 2014 Qingdao executive committee, said the event offers an opportunity to learn more from the Netherlands, which is the largest exporter of floriculture products and is also the birthplace of the International Horticultural Exposition.

He hoped that the event could help local residents and visitors have a wider understanding of the Netherland's horticulture and promote bilateral exchange and collaboration in this field.

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