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China-Russia cultural and humanity cooperation meeting held in Tai'an
The 11th session of the China-Russia Committee on Cultural and Humanity Cooperation's tourism sub-committee meeting was held in Shandong's Tai'an city on August 14.
Shandong truck manufacturer maintains growth
The China National Heavy-Duty Truck (Group) Co held its business conference for 2015, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, on Dec 18.
Star power publishing
Le Jia was about to launch his new book, his publisher decided to hold a public signing event in Beijing.
Qingdao lends further support to grain production

Party Secretary of the Qingdao government, Shandong province, Li Qun, met with Ren Zhengxiao, the director of the State Administration of Grain, at the city's Badaguan Hotel, on Feb 3, according to the Chinese-language Qingdao Daily.

Li expressed his thanks to the State Administration of Grain for its support in grain production in recent years. He referred to the development of Qingdao and said that the city government would make substantial efforts to ensure food safety in a bid to improve confidence in the country's food industry.

Ren went on saying that the administration would support Qingdao's grain production projects to help the city's overall development.

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island