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CIMC Raffles pins hopes on offshore
Yantai-based CIMC Raffles Offshore Ltd is looking maintain robust growth by exporting more offshore oil rigs and engineering vessels.
Yantai-South Korea cooperation into new stage
The cooperation between Yantai and South Korea will enter a new stage as two new South Korean projects settle in Yantai, Shandong province.
Much ado about Bamboo
For the past six months, Lyu Zhidao says he has worked 20 hours a day, devoting himself to one project - China's Milan Expo pavilion.
5 Yantai counties make top 100 counties list

Five counties of Yantai, Shandong province have been included in the top 100 counties list, according to a report on residents' development index of Chinese counties released on Dec 19.

The five counties are Longkou, Penglai, Zhaoyuan, Changdao and Laizhou.

The report is prepared after a survey on 1,926 counties in Chinese mainland and based on the assessment of GDP, residents' income and quality of education as well as life.

However, the findings also indicated that Shandong's development is uneven although its overall growth takes lead in the country. The counties in Shandong’s eastern part are more developed than those in western areas.

Edited by Shahnawaz Akhtar

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island