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Haier sticks to disruptive innovation
Speculation has been rife after Haier Group, a major manufacturer of household appliances, announced in January its plan to buy General Electric's appliance business for $5.4 billion.
The 16th Yantai Municipal People's Congress begins
On Feb 17, the Sixth session of the 16th Yantai Municipal People's Congress held in Yantai International Expo Centre.
His art speaks a new language
Liu Shuyong is a university professor specializing in Chinese language and literature.
Round the world yacht race to sail into Qingdao

Qingdao, Shandong province, is the next port of call for the Clipper 2015-2016 Round the World Yacht Race, when it drops anchor in the coastal city from March 10 to 20.

It is the sixth time Qingdao has held the event. Twelve teams will sail from Da Nang, Vietnam, and arrive at Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center & International Marina around March 10.

The teams kicked off their 40,000 nautical mile (74,080 kilometers) race from London on Aug 30, 2015. The tour consists of eight stages and 14 races, and will finish up back in the UK capital on July 30.

Seventeen crews selected from all over China will represent Qingdao in this year’s event.

As China's sailing city, Qingdao has been holding rounds of the Clipper Round the World Race, ISAF Sailing World Cup and Extreme Sailing series, in recent years, providing a boost to Qingdao’s yacht manufacturing and tourism industries.

Various other activities such as football matches between Clipper crews and Qingdao football teams will be held from March 10 to 20.

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island