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Sinotruk's global strategy leads to major export growth
China National Heavy Duty Truck Group, also known as Sinotruk, achieved double-digit growth in exports last year, in contrast to the slump in sales for most truck manufacturers across China.
Mantis Boxing Association sets up in Haiyang
The opening ceremony for Haiyang Boxing Association has held on March 10 in the city's Xinyuan Square.
Qingdao porcelain amazes German artists
The artists were Joan Stephan, Peter Feiler, Lars Lehmann and Jan Friedrich, who were on a sketching trip to the city. They will also hold a painting exhibition in the city in April.
Qingdao porcelain amazes German artists

The craftsmanship of Langya Porcelain was rediscovered by Zhong Anli, a local porcelain expert and his team in 2010 after years of tests, which amazed Jan Friedrich.

"It is so mysterious and I cannot wait to see how it looks after baking," said the 29-year-old artist, who hoped to take his first porcelain artwork back to Germany.

Qingdao porcelain amazes German artists

Jan Friedrich paints a dragon on the unbaked porcelain. [Photo/dailyqd.com]

The German artists were invited by the Qingdao Chinese-German Cultural Exchange Center, which is an organization serving Chinese and German artists as well as expanding a creation space for artists from both countries. Joan Stephan showcases her porcelain artwork.

Qingdao porcelain amazes German artists

Peter Feiler paints on the unbaked porcelain. [Photo/dailyqd.com]



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09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island