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Qingdao plans 100-billion-yuan new-energy car industry
A massive new-energy vehicle industry valued at more than 100 billion yuan ($15.5 billion) is taking shape in Qingdao.
Passive house tech passes crucial gas test
This center is estimated for completion in June and will be the first demonstration passive house project in Asia.
Sun Zixi's work on display at National Art Museum
Prominent painter and educator Sun Zixi, 86, has donated 55 of his paintings to Beijing's National Art Museum of China.
Qingdao Beer Festival gets Adelaide Fringe boost

The forthcoming 26th Qingdao Beer Festival will adopt an exotic style with the infusion of Adelaide Fringe, one of the world's largest arts festivals, originating in the South Australia, Qingdao Daily reports.

Adelaide Fringe refers to a 24-day annual arts feast featuring world premieres, hit shows and new artists from across the world. It is held in the South Australian capital of Adelaide during February and March, while the Qingdao Beer Festival has been traditionally organized in the second weekend of August and lasts 16 days.

Based on agreements signed between the two cities on April 8, the festival will then offer 5,000 square meters in its venues along the west coast for the fringe.

The year 2016 also marks the 30th anniversary of sister state tie between Shandong and South Australia, and 15th anniversary of sister city tie between Qingdao and Adelaide.

In the meantime, Qingdao and South Australia have reached cooperation deals on medical care, culture, health and education. Authorities from both sides have pledged to further their cooperation in economy, sports and tourism.

09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island