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Qingdao plans 100-billion-yuan new-energy car industry
A massive new-energy vehicle industry valued at more than 100 billion yuan ($15.5 billion) is taking shape in Qingdao.
Passive house tech passes crucial gas test
This center is estimated for completion in June and will be the first demonstration passive house project in Asia.
Sun Zixi's work on display at National Art Museum
Prominent painter and educator Sun Zixi, 86, has donated 55 of his paintings to Beijing's National Art Museum of China.
Tourists flock to cherry blossoms in Zhongshan Park

Cherry flowers are in full bloom at Qingdao's Zhongshan Park, attracting 270,000 visitors over the weekend.

Nice weather plus the recent Tomb-Sweeping Festival attracted visitors in droves this weekend, especially during what is known as the “golden period” from 10 a.m to 3 p.m when thousands of local residents take time out for a seductive date with spring.

The blooming cherry flowers in Zhongshan Park also attract visitors from across the country, many of whom come to witness the spectacular landscape of ‘flowers of East Garden’, either via a bus tour or on their own.

Mrs. Wang, a tourist from Yantai, Shandong Province, planned to leave Qingdao last Friday after a few days, but changed her schedule instead after learning of the beautiful cherry blossoms in Zhongshan Park. Impressed by the scenery at the park, she took photos with her mother and daughter to preserve the happy memories.

In order to spread green knowledge, students from Qingdao Landscape School also distributed small potted plants and explained plant cultivation to visitors. Some teachers from the school even sang and played the guitar, captivating the attention of many tourists.

According to the park, the cherry flowers are currently in their full-bloom stage and will remain in peak viewing condition until April 17.

Tourists flock to cherry blossoms in Zhongshan Park

A volunteer explains plant cultivation to tourists. [Photo/Qingdao Daily]


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