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Officials, experts discuss wealth management in Qingdao
The global economy's booming wealth management sector was one of the main topics during the 2016 China Wealth Forum, held from Friday to Sunday in Qingdao, East China's Shandong province.
Growth in tourism rooted in mountain
Tai'an, a city in Shandong province that is centered on Mount Taishan, is tapping into its historical and cultural resources to become an international tourist destination.
See a brilliantly colored underground canyon in Shandong
The underground attraction lies to the southwest of Yishui and covers a distance of 6,100 meters.
Family builds hospital on strength of treatment
Created in the late Qing Dynasty by the Luan family in the village of Huatuan, the Huatuan Bone Setting style features both a bone-setting technique and a plaster invented by the family.
Shandong's inky heart 2013-09-03
Writers from Shandong province, brought the freshness of the seacoast to the 2013 Beijing International Book Fair that wrapped up on Sunday.
Returning to life on the land 2013-04-11
Chai Huilong surprised his parents and fellow villagers when he chose to return to his hometown and farm the Chinese leek after he graduated.
Hobby becomes new career 2012-11-18
Guo Chuan is a pioneer in extreme sports in China.
Young divers pursue Olympic dream 2012-08-02
In a diving center in Jinan, capital of east Shandong province, children aged 5 and 6 are doing their routine board-work on a trampoline, all of which are the basic movements in diving.
You Are Our Angel and We Love You 2012-05-28
"I am so happy to read your messages full of blessings. I just took some morphine to kill the pain and my left eye has gone blind. So, I love you all."
An Accidental style 2012-05-14
Han Fang's clay creations are the results of serendipity.
A gigantic talent 2012-05-09
Zhang Wei's writings reflect an amazing stamina. The author who prefers solitude shares the secret of his vigor with Chitralekha Basu and Zhao Ruixue.
Rising costs worry farmers amid harvest expectations 2012-03-23
Farmer Zhao Yijun in east China's Shandong province frowned when he heard diesel oil prices had been hiked again, a move which will add to his costs for upcoming spring irrigation.
The bone collectors 2012-03-01
Thanks to the efforts of two men, oracle bones escaped the fate of being all ground up and digested.
Shandong's precious stones soar in value 2012-02-07
When Zhou Weixia began to conduct sapphire trading with her husband, she had no idea the price of the local stone would skyrocket more than 50 times.
On becoming a Master of Wine 2012-02-06
A love for pinot noir led wine writer Huang Shan to name her newly opened wine store and club after the grape varietal.
Taishan's one-man show 2012-02-02
While other regional puppet shows employ an entire troupe, it's one man's talent that drives the entire performance.
A salute to brothers-in-arms 2012-02-02
Every morning Chen Guangju wipes off the memories of fallen comrades. "Most of them died in their 20s for the country, so people should not forget them."
More Chinese younger migrant workers hope to settle in cities 2012-01-31
Different from their parents the new generation of migrant workers often prefer to settle down in the bustling hubs where they work.
How does your garden grow? 2011-12-22
A harried-looking farmer holding a withered tomato leaf appears on the computer screen in front of Zhang Yanxiang.
Blind pet rescued from well 2011-11-28
A blind dog that became trapped in an uncovered well has been reunited with its owner more than two months after going missing.
Does whatever a spider can 2011-11-16
With his bare hands and no safety equipment, Zhang Xixin scales the outside of a five-floor building within two minutes.
Handicapped street artist writes his way to fame 2011-10-26
The 49-year-old man became the center of public attention recently after a photo of his unique street art in Yantai was posted and reposted on the Internet.
Practice of Confucian ethics to boost business credibility and integrity 2011-10-13
As the 75th generation descendant of ancient philosopher Confucius, 47-year-old Kong Xiangling has always believed she has more social responsibilities than others.
A teacher who speaks and see differently 2011-10-08
Findlay A. Nicol, a 67-year-old Scot, had no intention of living in Jinan, a city he hadn't even heard of about 15 years ago. But he did.
Wisdom at the end of a brush 2011-09-16
Wu Bin has been teaching calligraphy for 20 years and believes the ancient art still has a role to play in the digital age, when typing on a keyboard is replacing handwriting.
On patrol for a bright future 2011-09-08
Even before arriving on campus, freshman student Jia Zuosheng was well known among his new schoolmates.
Frenchman shines at Chinese language contest 2011-09-05
The critical moment in the contest, when he secured the win, is still fresh in the Frenchman's mind.
Villager collects 151 types of currencies over 20 years 2011-08-16
Fu Zhongxi, a 75-year senior resident in Fanzhenshe Village in Tai'an, Shandong province, is an ardent fan of foreign currency.
Love for China blooms in heart of American 2011-08-12
Although Eunice Moe Brock lived in the US for decades, the 94-year-old has returned to China to share her passion for flowers.
A fare deal for students 2011-04-22
"Hail to the bus driver, bus driver man," the chorus might go.
Life on this side of Firewall throws up a pleasant surprise 2011-03-16
A farmer from Shandong is my hero this week. His elevation was by default really because, like many other surfers in the Middle Kingdom, I washed up on local video sites as I couldn't access YouTube.
Rich soul keeps giving 2011-02-22
Farmer-cum-multimillionaire Wang Mingdian has given away more than 5 million yuan ($761,243) - nearly all of his earnings - to vulnerable groups during the past 18 years.
From solar dreams to an energetic reality 2011-01-18
A Shandong province man, referred to as the "solar king" in international energy, is in the running for the 2010 CCTV Business Leader of the Year, the ninth year that the award has been given.
French Connection 2011-01-16
Retired businessman Michel Humbert is not your average European.
Young vegetable seller becomes Web sensation 2011-01-12
A 5-year-old girl has become an Internet hit after a micro-blogger uploaded photos of her helping her mother sell vegetables at a market in Qingdao, Shandong province.
Life's a journey 2010-11-05
No one, it seems, has read from cover-to-cover Zhang Wei's ponderous 10-volume book on four generations of a family caught in the throes of change. But critics have been unstinting in their praise. Yang Guang reports.
Philippine band enjoys Qingdao life 2010-10-12
Drummer Raffy and his five band members have been living in Qingdao for five years. Performing at night at local bars, this Philippine band enjoys their days in Qingdao, too.
Woman heals 1,000 children using family remedy 2010-09-14
A woman in Zhouwangzhuang village in Shandong province has cured more than 1,000 children suffering from convulsions in the last 40 years...
Pacifist thinker and inventor -- Mo Zi 2010-09-06
Born in the State of Lu (in today's Shandong Province), Mo Zi was a thinker, political activist, educator and scientist during the early Warring States Period.
Poised for takeoff 2010-09-02
An oil painter, a photographer and an art apprentice come together to make a full-length feature on birds. Ju Chuanjiang, Zhao Ruixue and Wang Qian report
These women learn life lessons in a class of their own 2010-08-25
The biggest decision 18-year-old Guo Fangliang ever made was skipping China's university entrance exam to instead apply to US schools.
The Mount Tai squadron received  the title"Guardian of Mount Tai" 2010-08-13
The State Council and the Central Military Commission of the PRC awarded the title"Guardian of Mount Tai" to the squadron.
Kong Linghui estabished two Hope schools in Qufu 2010-08-09
Two Hope schools, sponsored by former table tennis world champion Kong Linghui, were established in Qufu.
Shandong artists create miracle with wicker 2010-07-13
Visitors to the Spain Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo might be impressed by the giant wicker covering on the pavilion's walls and its basket-like design. But...

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09-10 Clipper yachts sail off to California
2009-2010 Clipper Round the World--Qingdao
Changdao Island