Shandong Culture

Shandong play competes for Splendor Award

( Updated: 2016-10-17

A play from Shandong province will compete for the 15th Splendor Award, which will be selected during the 11th China Art Festival held from Oct 15 to 31, in Shaanxi province.

Shandong play competes for Splendor Award

A play from Shandong province will compete for the 15th Splendor Award. [Photo/Cultural Shandong]

Adapted from a poem in The Book of Songs, the play tells a story set in the ancient state of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). It reflects the social and economic situation of that time by presenting a poignant tale of love and war.

Shandong play competes for Splendor Award

The play is an adaption of a poem in The Book of Songs. [Photo/Cultural Shandong]

The play is being staged on Oct 23 and 24, at the Changle Auditorium of the Fourth Military Medical University.

The Splendor Award was set up by the Ministry of Culture in 1991 for professional theatrical works, in a bid to promote the development of Chinese drama.

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