Shandong Culture

Modern artists give new twist to needlework

By Bi Nan ( Updated: 2017-08-29
Modern artists give new twist to needlework

Mending, by Liu Beili [Photo/]

American-born Chinese artist Liu Beili's artwork Mending features a more soul-stirring scene. With 1,500 scissors hanging down from the ceiling and blades pointed at floors, Liu Beili sit tranquilly below, enjoying needlework. Each visitor was given a piece of white cloth at the entrance to be handed to the artist later, and then Liu stitched them together. As time passed by, the stitched cloth became bigger and covered the ground.

In Liu's view, what women do is always considered trivial and easily ignored, so through her artworks, she wants to show that even stitching can be influential.

Modern artists give new twist to needlework

A part of the artwork Mending, by Liu Beili, from 2010 till now. [Photo/]