Shandong Culture

Egyptian female photographer narrates 'Tales from China' via photo exhibition

(Xinhua) Updated: 2017-09-21

Egyptian female photographer narrates 'Tales from China' via photo exhibition

China and Egypt have held several joint cultural activities including festivals, folklore performances, and art exhibitions to celebrate the growing bilateral relations and cultural exchanges since the two countries marked 2016 as the China-Egypt Cultural Year.[Photo/Xinhua]

At the palace-like Gezira Art Center in downtown Cairo, an Egyptian female photographer tells vivid stories about the everyday life of Chinese, as well as many of China's famous landmarks and landscapes through the "Tales from China" photo exhibition.

With decorative red lanterns hanging from the ceiling of the exhibition hall, red paper-cuts of fish and the Chinese word "happiness" put on the walls, and traditional Chinese music playing in the background, the exhibition by Sara Fouad shows a unique photographic vision of the Chinese capital city of Beijing and Shandong province.

The exhibition, held under the auspices of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture from Sept 13 to 27, reflects the Chinese culture and civilization as seen through Egyptian eyes.

"The exhibition hall has separate corners and I made each corner tell a separate tale from China. A tale can consist of one, two or three photos out of total 44 photos in the exhibition," Fouad told Xinhua.

The photos were taken by Fouad during her two-week stay in Beijing and Shandong in 2014 in a trip supported by the Chinese Cultural Center in Cairo.

Fouad, a bachelor of arts in Middlesex University of London and also a member of several photography associations in Egypt, Britain and the United States, said that her photos of the Chinese people were inspired by the kindness, hospitality and warm help she received from them during her short stay in China.

"The Chinese people are so kind and friendly. Although I did not speak Chinese, they were helpful and they never annoyed me or prevented me from taking photos. A female hotel worker even left me a gift in my room before I left China," Fouad added.

The largest photo at the center of the exhibition displays an overview of a Chinese woman in traditional garment holding a red umbrella with embroidered white flowers.

Other photos show a newly-wed couple, common Chinese people on the streets and marketplaces, a chef grilling fish and shrimps outside a seafood restaurant, the cliffy road on the way to the Great Wall, a bird's-eye view from a cable car and many others.

Mohamed Hadad, an architect who likes visiting art exhibitions, was obviously impressed by the photos. He carefully studied nearly every photo on display in the gallery, while stopping before some photos to take a deep look and reading the captions.

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