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Xiaolongmantou crafts may enter national cultural heritage

( ) 2014-08-12

<EM>Xiaolongmantou</EM> crafts may enter national cultural heritage

A Xiaolongmantou banquet for hundreds of people [Photo/]

With the aim of promoting its tradition, Nanxiang town has been hosting a Xiaolongmantou Cultural Exhibition every year since 2007, and this has become an important event of the Shanghai Tourism Festival. A series of activities takes place during the exhibition, such as a Xiaolongmantou making contest, a Xiaolongmantou banquet for hundreds of people and an exhibition of the intangible cultural heritage of the Yangtze River Delta area.

So far, restaurants specializing in Nanxiang Xiaolongmantou have been opened in many Asian countries and regions, where people can taste traditional Chinese food.

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