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Nanxiang promotes cultural heritage

( ) 2015-09-30

Nanxiang promotes cultural heritage

A Xiaolongbao banquet is held for thousands of people. [Photo/]

The 2015 Nanxiang Xiaolongbao Culture Exhibition kicked off in Jiading district of Shanghai on Sept 28. The 10-day cultural exhibition will end on October 7.

Nanxiang Xiaolongbao, a traditional Jiading snack, was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2014.

Nanxiang promotes cultural heritage

Performers show dragon dance and lion dance at the Nanxiang Xiaolongbao Culture Exhibition, Sept 28. [Photo/]

This year's exhibition, which has the theme of intangible cultural heritage protection and inheritance, featured a Xiaolongbao banquet for thousands of people, Xiaolongbao DIY activity, folk opera, song performances, dances, display of traditional Chinese handicrafts and a running race to tour Nanxiang.

At the same time, a culture pavilion for Nanxiang Xiaolongbao has also opened in the town. The pavilion, with a floor area of 266 square meters, aims to introduce this traditional culture to more people through its historical origin, cultural connotation and cooking techniques. It also sets up an interaction area for visitors to learn skills of making Xiaolongbao.





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