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Painting exhibition highlights Jiangqiao's development

( ) 2015-10-12

An oil painting exhibition, with the theme of "Cultural Jiangqiao", opened at the Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Academy in Jiangqiao town, Jiading district of Shanghai, on Sept 28.

Painting exhibition highlights Jiangqiao's development

An oil painting exhibition opens at the Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Academy in Jiangqiao town, Jiading district of Shanghai, on Sept 28. [Photo/]

The event, sponsored by the local government and the Shanghai Yanhuang Culture and Research Association, displays seven categories of paintings by 35 famous painters in Shanghai. They feature and promote the town's new landscape, cultural relics and ancient architecture, showing the evolution and urbanization of the town over recent decades.

Painting exhibition highlights Jiangqiao's development

Works on display at the exhibition [Photo/]

To ensure that the paintings on display vividly showcase the town's rapid growth, the artists visited Jiangqiao to get a thorough understanding of the area.

The exhibition will run until Oct 15, enabling local residents to enjoy excellent paintings in their own community.



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