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Jiangqiao companies to build expert work stations

( ) 2016-10-19

Two companies in Jiangqiao town, Jiading district of Shanghai, recently got approval to build expert work stations, indicating that their scientific research capabilities have been recognized by government.

The two companies are Haoxu New Energy Technology Development Co and Shanghai Ecoacell Environmental Technology Co.

The work stations, cooperation platforms for experts and companies, will help the companies with decision making, professional training, R&D, technology transfer, and so on.

They will also offer intellectual and technological support to the companies, and help enhance their innovation capability and core competitiveness.

The Haoxu New Energy Technology Development Co has an electrolytic hydrogen and oxygen generator and related transformation products as core technology and has obtained two national patents. Based on the technology, a hydrogen and oxygen generator for vehicles has been developed that controls carbon emission and reduces air pollution.

The Shanghai Ecoacell Environmental Technology Co, founded in 2014, is a startup focusing on R&D of biotechnological environmental protection technology and manufacturing of related equipment. Its businesses involve biotechnology, microbial applications, high-end equipment manufacturing, biosensing, intelligent control, and information processing. For instance, the company can use microbial technology to dispose of organic waste without pollution.



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