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Jiading treasures enjoy great popularity in Estonia

( ) 2017-09-20

A delegation from Jiading displayed their local specialties at "Cruising Exhibition of Economic and Cultural Cooperation Along the Belt and Road" which opened in Tallinn, capital of Estonia, on Sept 11.

On show were Xuhang Caobian (a straw-weaving handicraft), Nanxiang Xiaolong (steamed stuffed buns) and inscription bricks, which attracted scores of visitors.

Jiading treasures enjoy great popularity in Estonia

Xuhang Caobian. [Photo/]

Xuhang Caobian, declared a national intangible cultural heritage, originated in Tang Dynasty, when the forefathers of Xuhang, a town in Jiading, weaved the straws into articles for daily use, and decorated them with beautiful patterns.

Jiading treasures enjoy great popularity in Estonia

Nanxiang Xiaolong. [Photo/]

Nanxiang Xiaolong, as a national cultural heritage, is a juicy and tender steamed stuffed bun, also popular in Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.

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