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Jiading tries out AI courses among primary students

( ) 2018-12-18

Jiading tries out AI courses among primary students

Primary school students from Jiading district, Shanghai are immersed in the AI lesson. [Photo/]

A group of primary school students from Jiading district, Shanghai, recently got the opportunity to experience an artificial intelligence (AI) course at a local youth tech innovation center.

The AI textbooks, published by the East China Normal University Press, are the first of its kind in China allowing primary and middle school students to learn the secrets of AI with fun. And the Jiading sci-tech base is among the first batch to bring in the course.

During the course, the students learned programming through assembling mechanical arms or snakes with programming software-connected parts and operating them via software.

Wang Yahua, head of the innovation center, considered that it is difficult for primary school students to grasp and master the scientific principles of AI, but the entertaining course can arouse their interests in science and enhance their spirit of exploration.

Apart from the AI course, the base invited AI experts to deliver lectures to the students.

Wu Mouxiong, senior vice president of R&D at UBTECH, amazed the students with the dancing performance of a robot named Wukong.

Zhu Xinyu, one of the participating students, showed his curiosity about the robots and said that he felt AI is not far away from us after talking with Wu.



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