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Century-old shadow-puppetry troupe dazzles in Jiading

( ) 2019-09-16

The Ma's shadow-puppetry troupe entertained the audience with an eye-catching shadow-puppetry performance at Shanghai Poly Grand Theater in Jiading district on Sept 14.

The play Wusong Fights Tiger, a renowned chapter from Water Margin (also known as Outlaws of the Marsh), was changed slightly in consideration of the fact that the tiger is currently a protected animal. At the end of the show, Wusong only captured the tiger alive and sent it to the zoo instead of killing it.

"It's the first time that I had seen a shadow-puppetry show and it was so interesting to see the life-like expression on Wusong's face during his 'fight' with the tiger," said an audience member from the US.

Century-old shadow-puppetry troupe dazzles in Jiading

The 16th century novel Journey to the West is performed by the Ma's shadow-puppetry troupe on Sept 14 in Shanghai's Jiading district. [Photo/]




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