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Jiading, Singapore to further cooperation

( ) 2019-11-29

A seminar was held recently in Jiangqiao town, Shanghai's Jiading district to promote exchange and cooperation between Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and North Hongqiao Central Business District.

Shen Huadi, deputy director of Jiading district, Loh Tuck Wai, consul-general of Singapore in Shanghai, and Liew Li Lin, deputy consul-general of Singapore in Shanghai, attended the event.

Shen expressed confidence that all parties would benefit equally from the partnership.

He added that Jiading is the largest automobile industry base in China, while Jiangqiao town, home to North Hongqiao Central Business District, is strategically located.

A letter of intent was signed in February last year to build the Nanyang International Science and Innovation Center in Jiangqiao. The construction of the center relies on resources provided by Nanyang Technological University and will include an innovation center and entrepreneurship base.



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