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Governments, communities and major State-owned enterprises are helping people with special needs-especially seniors living alone, the sick and the disabled-to tide over the recent COVID-19 resurgence in Shanghai.

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With a large population of unvaccinated seniors and an already-stretched healthcare workforce, Shanghai cannot afford to relax its COVID-19 measures as it battles a severe wave of the Omicron variant, according to experts.

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Shanghai is on track to resume production and ensure smooth logistics following a COVID-related citywide lockdown since April 1, as the city moves to safeguard its industrial and supply chains.

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Shanghai is expected to complete weeklong screening tests by Thursday in its effort to realize zero COVID-19 transmission in communities, the municipal government said on Monday.

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Shanghai has bolstered caregiving services for the elderly who live alone, patients with critical illnesses, people with disabilities, and low-income families during the latest wave of COVID-19 infections.

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Shanghai authorities are working to improve the efficiency of discharging recovered patients from makeshift hospitals, or fangcang, to make room for new cases.

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As of April 9, a total of 555 patients have left the makeshift hospitals in Shanghai's Jiading district and returned home.

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Shanghai began implementing a three-zone epidemic control system on Monday that categorizes communities based on the level of COVID-19 infections, which will allow some residents restricted movement.

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Jiading Fahua Pagoda

The Fahua Pagoda, 40.8 meters tall, is a square, brick-wood structure with seven stories, accessible by ladders.