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Jiading district's automobile industry companies are benefiting from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, as the agreement helps lower tariffs for trade of automobile components to reduce production costs.

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China will accelerate reforms to encourage fair competition in the market, spur the vitality of smaller companies and offer private business owners greater tax incentives to give back to society, which is crucial for the country to achieve the goal of common prosperity, experts said.

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Shanghai released its 14th Five-Year Plan for the development of its cultural sectors on Sep 2.

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China will step up relief and assistance to market entities, especially micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, and strengthen policy reserves, to ensure cross-cyclical adjustments, the State Council's executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang decided on Wednesday.

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China issued trial guidelines on automobile data protection on Friday in a move to protect drivers' privacy and safeguard national security as vehicles are becoming increasingly digitalized in the world's largest auto market.

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The State Council issued a circular on July 9 to boost the development of cross-border e-commerce and overseas warehouses.Read more

Shanghai released a five-year plan for tourism on Tuesday, laying out the overall requirements, development goals, major tasks and measures for the 2021-2025 period.

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China's unwavering efforts to deepen reform and opening-up are set to provide more business opportunities to foreign investors and contribute further to world economic recovery, according to experts and business leaders.Read more



Jiading Fahua Pagoda

The Fahua Pagoda, 40.8 meters tall, is a square, brick-wood structure with seven stories, accessible by ladders.